The Songlines Annual Festival Guide 2015


via Songlines World Music News

Agenda de Festivais folk / world 2015 (Portugal) [actualizada a 24MAR15]

Há já várias datas anunciadas para 2015 pelos principais festivais
nacionais que incluem sonoridades folk, trad, world, no seu cardápio
  • Entrudanças, de 13 a 15 Fevereiro, em Entradas, Castro verde
    com Peut-être Jeanne, LA Forcelle, A Batalha do Modesto Camelo Amarelo, Duo Parmenter & de La Fuente
  • Ciclo Exploratório de Música Tradicional, 31 de Março e 1 de Abril, no Jardim de Inverno do Teatro São Luiz (Lisboa)
    com Tanira, Luís Peixoto, Charanga, OrBlua, Pé na Terra, DJ António Pires
  • Gouveia Art Rock, 1 e 2 de Maio, Cine-Teatro de Gouveia
Com California Guitar Trio, Renaissance, Bobo Stenson, Uxu Kalhus, Curved Air, Magma, Guy Prat, Syndone
  • Festival Islâmico de Mértola, na zona histórica local, de 21 a 24 de Maio
  • Festim – Festival Intermunicipal de Músicas do Mundo, de 13 de Junho a 25 de Julho, em Águeda e municípios vizinhos (ainda por confirmar).
  • Festival Med de Loulé, na zona histórica local, de 25 a 27 de Junho
artistas confirmados: Cumbia All Stars, Batida, Nneka, Balkan Beat Box, Carminho, Raquel Tavares, Tiago Bettencourt, DJ Marfox.
FMM Sines 2015
  • FMM Sines, de 17 a 25 Julho, em Porto Covo e em Sines
artistas confirmados: Ana
Tijoux, Chancha Vía Circuito, Dele Sosimi Afrobeat Orchestra, Ibibio
Sound Machine, La 33, Orlando Julius & The Heliocentrics, Soema
Montenegro, Songhoy Blues, Toumani & Sidiki Diabaté, Troker, Vaudou
  • Festival Folk Celta, de 24 a 25 de Julho, Ponte da Barca
  • XVII Festival do Lavre, de 24 a 27 de Julho, em Lavre (Montemor-o-Novo)
    já confirmado: Fanfare Ciocarlia
  • Byonritmos, de 30 de Julho a 1 de Agosto,  na Casa da Juventude de Baião
  • Intercéltico Sendim, de 30 Julho, a 1 de Agosto, em Miranda do Douro (primeiro dia) e Sendim (restantes dias)
  • Andanças, de 3 a 9 de Agosto, na Barragem Póvoa e Neadas, em Castelo de Vide
  • Sons do Atlântico, de 13 a 15 de Agosto, na Nossa Sra da Rocha, Lagoa
  • Bons Sons, de 13 a 16 Agosto, na aldeia de Cem Soldos (Tomar)
artistas confirmados: Tó Trips, Retimbrar, Nice Weather for Ducks, Trêsporcento, OCO, Eduardo Raon, Walter Benjamin, Salto
  • Maré de Agosto, de 20 a 22 Agosto, na Praia Formosa, da Ilha de Santa Maria (Açores)
  • Arredas Folk Fest, de 29 a 30 de Agosto, em Tregosa, Barcelos 
  • Festa do Avante, de 4 a 6 Setembro, na Quinta da Atalaia, Amora – Seixal
Maia Folk, Fora do Lugar, Flaviae Fest, Raízes do Atlântico, entre outros, ainda sem datas anunciadas.
Conhece algum festival que já tenha data (e cartaz) anunciado e que ainda não tenha sido aqui referenciado?
Nota: esta entrada estará sujeita a constantes alterações, de acordo com o anunciar dos respectivos cartazes / artistas.
via  RCFM Radio Crónica Folk Musical

15 Blogs for Beginners

This is an unordered list — all of these blogs are packed with helpful information. #

1. Buffer

Buffer’s blog is one of the best in the social media space. Its comprehensive content is helpful to beginners as well as advanced social media marketers.

2. Rebekah Radice

Rebekah Radice’s award-winning blog helps small business owners and entrepreneurs make radical shifts within social media and online marketing.

3. Simply Measured

The Simply Measured blog contains lots of well-written content, useful data, and many case studies that will help you succeed.

4. Social Time’s Facebook Blog (formerly AllFacebook)

Social Time’s Facebook Blog offers comprehensive coverage and analysis of everything going on in the Facebook marketing community, including best practices and case studies.

5. Ignite Social Media Marketing Blog

Ignite Social has helped some of the world’s top brands develop effective social media marketing campaigns and programs. Their blog covers current ideas and tried-and-true approaches you can add to your toolbox.

6. Quicksprout

Neil Patel’s Quicksprout blog posts rus the gamut from how social signals influence search engine rankings to how you can build your blog audience.

7. Gary Vaynerchuck

Gary Vaynerchuk, CEO and co-founder of Vayner Media, shares what has worked for himself and others when it comes to social media marketing and how you can put social media to work for you.

8. Social Media Examiner

Social Media Examiner, the world’s largest online social media magazine, helps millions of businesses discover how to best use social media, blogs, and podcasts to connect with customers, drive traffic, generate awareness, and increase sales.

9. Social Media Explorer

Social Media Explorer is a leading source for insights, opinion, and learning in the world of digital and social media marketing. Primarily authored by founder Jason Falls and social media specialist Nichole Kelly, it also features articles by thought leaders in the field.

10. Social Media B2B

Social Media B2B is a group blog about social media’s impact on B2B companies and how they can harness the power of social media marketing to achieve lasting results.

11. Danny Brown’s Blog

Danny Brown’s blog isn’t just another marketing blog that recycles content that marketers are talking about — his great perspectives on marketing trends, social media, and influence will help you succeed.

12. Convince and Convert

Convince and Convert by Jay Baer has been named the #1 content marketing blog in the world by the Content Marketing Institute and the #3 social media blog in the world by Social Media Examiner. It offers a wealth of information about social media marketing, from novice to more advanced topics.

13. Social Mouths

Social Mouths by Francisco Rosales has some of the best social media content and advice you’ll find on the Web. Packed with how-tos, helpful advice, and strategies, it’s a go-to resource for social media marketers at all levels of experience.

14. Social Fresh

Social Fresh is packed with articles from industry leaders on social media that will inform your social media marketing strategy.

15. Hubspot Marketing Blog

Hubspot’s Marketing Blog is a first-rate source for information about inbound and social media marketing, with thousands of tips and strategies for attracting visitors to your content.

50 tools for bloggers

Web Hosting Tools

To keep your site alive and running, you need the right web hosting (with the right plan). Here are some of my favorites that won't let you down. #

Must reads:

Must reads:

Cf. também:

How to Create Perfect Headlines

1. Make them short and sweet

  • The optimal length of a headline is 6 words — we live in a world where people have short attention spans, so less is more.
  • Google will display up to 66 characters of a title tag, cropping to complete words

2. Include “you” and “your”

  • This makes your headline more effective since it speaks to your readers’ concerns and seems more like a real conversation

4. Experiment with negative wording

  • Negatives tap into our insecurities
  • Words such as “no”, “without”, and “stop” can create more sharing

4. Use interesting adjectives

  • Words like “fun”, “effortless”, “unique”, “incredible”, “essential”, “strange”, “painstaking”, and “absolute” engage readers than more mundane language

5. Use numbers

  • People want to improve their efficiency, and seeing numbered lists that include easy steps meets this need
  • Make sure to use digits instead of words to increase sharing — i.e. “5″ instead of “five”

Still stuck? Here’s a list of 74 headlines that work.

Check out this list of clever headlines from the team at Twelveskip. Choose a formula and fill in the blanks with the keywords and phrases for your topic. Voila!

Why Vocal Employees Are A Company's Best PR

The executive editor of LinkedIn shares what he's discovered from the 50,000 posts on the site published every week.

via Fast Company | Business + Innovation

Stanford's Most Popular Class Isn't Computer Science: It's Something Much More Important

It's called "Designing Your Life," a course that's part throwback, part foreshadowing of higher education's future.
See two new videos about Designing Your Life and creative decision-making featuring Bill Burnett:

Before Kanyi Maqubela became an investment partner at the Collaborative Fund, an early-stage venture capital firm focused on social enterprises, he was a typical Stanford student in need of career guidance. He was working with startups, studying philosophy, dating someone special—and feeling overwhelmed.
Enter "Designing Your Life," a new and wildly popular course for Stanford juniors and seniors that is grounded in design thinking concepts and techniques. The course’s lessons gave him the perspective he needed to navigate decisions about life and work post graduation.
"It really helped me understand what the concept of vocation was," he says. "I had thought of it either as a narrowly religious concept or for a specific job. But it’s this feeling that I have true agency over my work, because I know what I stand for and I have tools to fix the things that I encounter in my life."
He felt liberated, he says, by how the course positioned the idea of career success: "Take your work personally, but it’s not your person."
At the time, "Designing Your Life" was still an experiment, spearheaded by Bill Burnett, executive director of Stanford's design program, and Dave Evans, who led the design of Apple's first mouse and co-founded Electronic Arts before embarking on a second career in the classroom. They launched the course in spring 2010.

"It took off in just about a heartbeat," says Evans, who oversees instruction with help from guest lecturers and a small army of student volunteers, who lead discussion groups.

Inside Google's Insanely Popular Emotional-Intelligence Course

In 2006, Google engineer Chade-Meng Tan decided he no longer wanted to feel like a cog in the great machine, and set out to create a program that would train people to be more mindful in their lives. This wasn’t some Kumbaya moment; Tan’s ambitious course would train people to become more aware of their emotions, more compassionate toward others, more able to build sustainable relationships, and, ultimately, able to contribute to world peace. Or at least peace and harmony in the workplace.

Daily reads

The power of ignoring mainstream news

5 Tricks to Get More Done While Working Remotely

Morreu Herberto Helder

    1. Morreu Herberto Helder, o poeta dos poetas

    2. Pú hora atrás
    3. Herberto Helder morreu esta segunda-feira, aos 84 anos, em Cascais. O poeta, nascido em 1930 no Funchal, morreu em casa, e as causas da ...
    4. Morreu Herberto Helder
    5. Observador-há 8 horas
    6. Morreu o poeta Herberto Helder aos 84 anos
    7. Jornal de Notícias-há 6 horas
    8. Herberto Hélder (1930-2015)
    9. Correio da Manhã-há 8 horas
    10. Herberto Helder. Apresentação de um rosto
    11. Expresso-há 6 horas
    12. Correio da Manhã

Pesquisa do Google: herberto helder
Explorar em detalhe (Mais 170 artigos)

As turvações da inocência

A entrevista que Herberto Helder escreveu para um revista que depois desapareceu, Luzes da Galiza. Foi publicada no PÚBLICO a 4 de Dezembro de 1990. DOWNLOAD

Morreu o poeta Herberto Helder
Morreu o poeta Herberto Helder
O poeta, que nasceu em 1930 no Funchal, morreu em casa, em Cascais.


Herberto Helder: 57 anos de poesia em dezenas de obras publicadas

"A morte sem mestre", o livro de inéditos escrito em 2013, publicado em junho de 2014, já esgotado, foi o último título do poeta Herberto Helder, falecido aos 84 anos na segunda-feira na sua casa em Cascais.

A obra foi publicada na Porto Editora, que também no ano passado publicou a poesia completa em "Poemas completos", obra que segue a fixação empregue na edição anterior, "Ofício cantante", e inclui os esgotados "Servidões", foi considerado pela crítica literária como o livro do ano em 2013, e "A morte sem mestre".
Herberto Helder estreou-se literariamente em 1958 com a obra "O Amor em visita", à qual se seguiu, os títulos "A colher na boca", "Poemacto" e "Lugar", editados nos princípios da década de 1960.
O poeta madeirense começou a trabalhar para a Emissora Nacional como redactor do noticiário internacional e publicou, entretanto, "Os passos em Volta", obra reeditada pelo Porto Editora, em janeiro último.
Em 1968, envolveu-se na publicação de "Filosofia na Alcova", do Marquês de Sade, que desencadeou um processo judicial no qual foi condenado, com pena suspensa, o que não impediu que fosse despedido da rádio oficial.
Neste mesmo ano publicou "Apresentação do Rosto", uma autobiografia, livro que foi apreendido pela Censura.
Em 1969 tornou-se diretor literário da Editorial Estampa, onde começou a publicar a obra completa de Almada Negreiros.
Depois de ter trabalhado como repórter de guerra em Angola, partiu para os Estados Unidos, em 1973, ano em que publicou "Poesia Toda", reunindo a sua produção poética até então, e fez uma tentativa falhada de publicar "Prosa Toda".
A Portugal, voltou só depois do 25 de Abril, já em 1975, para trabalhar na rádio e em revistas, como meio de sobrevivência, tendo sido editor da revista literária Nova, de que se publicaram apenas dois números.
Depois de publicar, nos anos seguintes, mais algumas obras, entre as quais "Cobra" (1977), "O Corpo, o Luxo, a Obra" (1978) e "Photomaton & Vox" (1979), remeteu-se ao silêncio.
Em 1977 enviou uma carta à revista Abril, endereçada a Eduardo Prado Coelho, na qual sobre si escreveu: "O que é citável de um livro, de um autor? Decerto a sua morte pode ser citável. E, sobretudo, o seu silêncio".
Por isso, pediu aos amigos que não falassem dele num documentário que António José de Almeida pretendia realizar para a RTP2, em 2007.
O documentário, "Meu Deus, faz com que eu seja sempre um poeta obscuro", acabou por ser feito, mas apenas adensou o mistério em torno da figura do poeta, já que 17 das 29 pessoas contactadas pela produção se recusaram a dar o seu testemunho.
Em 2008 publicou "A faca não corta o fogo -- Súmula & Inédita", sucedendo-se no ano seguinte "Ofício Cantante".
Segundo a Porto Editora, Herberto Helder é um "poeta maior que ficará entre a meia dúzia de nomes incontornáveis da poesia portuguesa do século XX". #
Hoje, às 23h32, na RTP2
RTP | Transmissão do documentário “Herberto Helder - Meu Deus faz com que eu seja sempre um poeta obscuro”

Best Jobs For Every Personality

Social Spring Clean: How to Remove Dormant Apps from Your Social Accounts | Social Media Today

Social Spring Clean: How to Remove Dormant Apps from Your Social Accounts 

One often overlooked activity is the importance of regularly auditing
which apps have been authorized to post to your social media
accounts. Whenever you click that timesaving “Login with Facebook”
button to register with a website or add your social media accounts to a
vendor’s platform for managing your social media interactions you’re
prompted to authorize that website or platform to do certain things with
your social media accounts.

While not all websites or platforms need the ability to post, or at
least should only be posting when it’s ok to do so such as your
scheduled Tweets, there is a risk associated with dormant apps or
platforms you no longer use retaining authorization to post to your
social media accounts on your behalf.

By way of an example, in late 2013 a relatively new but popular
publishing platform was compromised resulting in spam posts being
published to the social profiles and pages of many individuals and

I had registered with the above-mentioned platform out of curiosity
but stopped using it. I simply stopped logging in, but didn’t remove the
Twitter authorization. The result was that my own social profiles had
some spam posts published.

This could have been prevented, for those who no longer used the
platform, by disabling that platform’s authorization to their social
profiles. For those who were still users there was little that could
have been done, but maintaining only authorization to apps or platforms
you use can mitigate the overall risk.

Removing those authorizations requires you to go deep into your
social media account settings. Below I’ve outlined how to check on the
most popular social media websites. Have a look at profiles and accounts
you manage; you’ll be surprised what you find hidden away in the depths
of those authorized apps.


On Facebook head over to the App Settings
page and click “show all” at the bottom to ensure you’re shown all
authorizations. You’ll probably see a few services you’ve not used in a
very long time.

To remove authorizations simply place your cursor over an app and click the “X” next to an application.

Finally, click remove on the pop-up that appears.

You can navigate to the app settings page in the future this way:

  1. In the top right of, click the arrow on the blue bar
  2. Click settings
  3. On the left, click apps
  4. Click Show all to ensure you’re looking at everything.


On Twitter, navigate to the applications page.

To remove access to any of the apps simply click the revoke access button to the right of any of the applications.

When you refresh the page it’ll be gone.

You can navigate to the applications page in the future this way:

  1. In the top right on, click your profile picture
  2. Click settings
  3. On the left, click apps


For LinkedIn, navigate to the authorized external applications page.

To remove authorizations tick the box to the left of the application and then click remove at the bottom and access will be revoke.

You can navigate to the external applications page in the future this way:

  1. Go to and click your profile picture
  2. Click manage next to “Privacy & Settings”
  3. Click groups, companies & applications
  4. Under applications click view your applications

Google (Google Plus & YouTube)

For Google Accounts, navigate to the account permissions page.

To remove authorizations click into any of the listed applications and then click revoke access in the top right followed by OK on the pop-up window.

You can navigate to the account permissions page in the future this way:

  1. Go to and click your profile picture
  2. Click account
  3. Click account permissions under “connected apps and services”


For Instagram accounts, navigate to the manage applications page.

To remove authorizations click revoke access on the relevant application and then yes to confirm to removal.

You can navigate to the manage applications page in the future this way:

  1. Go to and click your profile picture
  2. Click edit profile
  3. On the left, click manage applications


For Pinterest accounts, navigate to the Apps section in your settings.

To remove authorizations, click revoke access next to the application and then revoke access on the popup.

You can navigate to the apps section in the future this way:

  1. Go to and click your profile picture
  2. Click the cog icon in the top right and then account settings
  3. On the left, click apps

10 Brands With Stellar Copywriters

You all know The Old Spice Guy, right? The years-old "The Man Your Man Could Smell Like" campaign was memorable for many reasons, but one of them was that it gave Old Spice a voice. A voice that came through in every video, commercial, tagline, Facebook update, tweet -- you name it.
And do you know who is behind all of that marketing collateral?
Copywriters. The ability to find the exact right words to tell your company's story isn't an easy feat, and it's even harder to do so consistently. So when we come across companies that are doing it successfully, we think their copywriters deserve a pat on the back (and a raise?). Take a look at some of the companies we think have stellar copywriting, and if you're looking, maybe get some inspiration for your own brand, too. #

Is Your Open Office Causing a Creative Crisis?

Barbarian Group's 1,100-foot-long desk.

Whenever Ben walks by, he comments on the design work prominently display on your monitor; he typically thinks you need to move everything to be center-aligned. Jane, with the constant cough, believes that the secret to convincing a client that an idea is brilliant is to speak above a normal decibel level. And Susan's mom packs her lunch, which usually includes some form of meat that smells like a hot dog wrapped in ham. 
Sharing an open office can be "revealing" for employees in many ways, but the main goal of these no-wall floor plans is to increase creativity and collaboration.
This is why so many agencies are renovating and revising their offices to create more open spaces.
Havas Chicago recently spent $10 million dollars to renovate its office, an 81,000-square-foot space that houses 450 employees. In creating its new digs, the company got rid of all offices and included more communal work spaces. The agency now occupies two floors, instead of three.

Como eu abri uma startup enquanto viajava por 20 países

Há um ano, eu deixei San Francisco, vendi ou dei tudo o que tinha, e fiz a minha mudança para uma mochila de 40 litros.
Viajei por 45 cidades de 20 países, 3 Disneylands e 1 ilha de coelhinhos.
Também trabalhei 50 horas por semana construindo e lançando uma startup.
E meus custos totais foram menores do que o aluguel em San Francisco sozinho.

Passei o inverno no verão da Austrália, a primavera no Japão, o verão na Europa e o Outono no Sul da Ásia.

A 15-minute Guide to Blogging, Online Marketing, and Growth

 A 15-minute Guide to Blogging, Online Marketing, and Growth
Ali Mese is a freelancer, wanderer. He sends growth tips on Growth Supply and freebies on Freebie Supply. Say hi on Facebook or Twitter. This post originally appeared on his Medium blog.

TIME's Annual Blog Index | Instantly Turn Web Pages into Data

♫Do you want to scrape a website?♫

Did you ever just want a bunch of web data as painlessly as possible but don't know a thing about command-line webscrapers (curl, wget) or parsing libraries (BeautifulSoup, JSoup, pandas)? will try to auto-magically hash any website you give it into structured data. (Here's MetaFilter.)

Need a bit more control over those results?

Kimono gives you a
point-and-click environment for choosing page elements and pagination
indicators. (Requires a Chrome add-on or browser bookmarklet.)

"Supertide" Creates Dramatic Temporary Island Off The Coast Of France

A rare "supertide" (caused by last night's post-eclipse supermoon)
briefly turned France's Mont Saint-Michel into a completely encircled
island. The historic site is located just off the coast of Normandy, and
is usually linked to land via a bridge. » Today 1:05pm

The Thread

the thread
This email conversation between Maria Popova and Maira Kalman makes me crave more thoughtful, deep email conversations. #

Writers on writing

Camus on Happiness

Hyper Island Toolbox: for team building

Hi Toolbox“ this is a resource for anyone who wants to do things more creatively and collaboratively in their team or organization. It’s a collection of methods and activities, based on Hyper Island’s methodology, that you can start using today.
via  HyperIsland

7 Ways To Be Productive In An Open Office

7 Ways To Be Productive In An Open Office: an open letter with suggestions on how to create the most efficient and energizing environment possible.

Livelihood, Money and Economics

7 Life Learnings

  1. Allow yourself the uncomfortable luxury of changing your mind.
  2. Do nothing out of guilt, or for prestige, status, money or approval alone.
  3. Be generous with your time and your resources and with giving credit and, especially, with your words.
  4. Build pockets of stillness into your life.
  5. Maya Angelou famously said, ‘When
    people tell you who they are, believe them’. But even more importantly,
    when people try to tell you who you are, don’t believe them.
  6. Presence is far more intricate and
    rewarding an art than productivity. As Annie Dillard memorably put it,
    “how we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.”
  7. Debbie Millman captures our modern predicament beautifully: “Expect anything worthwhile to take a long time.”
Read the full article: Brain Pickings: 7 Things I Learned in 7 Years of Reading, Writing, and Living

Best Blogs

Design & creativity

A huge amount of your regular reads fell into the design category, but we pruned the list back to 10 of the more interesting resources.


In some quarters blogger might be considered a dismissive term, but we couldn’t think of a better one for these individuals who share their knowledge and opinions directly with loyal readerships.