7 Ways To Be Productive In An Open Office: an open letter with suggestions on how to create the most efficient and energizing environment possible.
After years of working in a very open space at Holstee, we have
become acutely aware of both the advantages and challenges to working in
this type of environment. For six years running, our team has managed
to work in open floor plans. Today we have 11 people spread across a
relatively large, open room. We have no personal offices and one private
conference room. And yes, sound travels like an opera house: tell a
joke to someone in the kitchen and you might as well be telling the
whole team. While not always ideal, this layout has as many
opportunities for a versatile, collaborative space as it does for
disruption and distraction from actually getting deep into one’s
workflow. Over the years, we have tried many things to soften these
challenges. We’ve done everything from wearing "focus hats" which were
meant to indicate Let's talk later to having dedicated
Get-Shit-Done Days where we all agreed to have no meetings, schedule no
phone calls and even minimize how much we spoke to each other. We've
even had people build personal focus-inducing forts.
After trying these and many more experiments, we eventually
accumulated a handful of practices that have had staying power and made
our space work better (though important to note, we are still far from
Below is a short list of personal and team practices that have helped
us to navigate the obvious challenges in hopes of creating the most
enjoyable office culture possible. #
1. Plan first, email second.
Encourage your team to not start their day by jumping into email.
Email is reactionary and rarely sums up what’s actually important and
can quickly disrupt what could have been a productive flow for the day.
Rather, suggest your team to take at least the first 15 minutes of the
day to identify what they most want to get done, and narrow it down to
the 3-5 top goals. Then, if possible, share these goals every morning
with each other, either in person or using a communication tool like Slack.
This practice takes getting used to but once it becomes a habit, it
will change the way your team approaches their daily work in a profound
2. Respect the flow.
If someone on your team seems to be in a deep focus mode, do
everything possible to not disturb them. Of course there are always
special circumstances, but most of the time you should wait. In the
meantime, send an email or a message to request their time when they are
at a good stopping point. And keep in mind, an unspoken rule in many
work environments is that headphones often suggest that someone is
(trying to be) in a good flow state. This practice alone will return you
dividends of productive output.
3. Variable seating and workstations.
Rather than get caught up in purchasing the most ergonomically
designed chairs, remember that sitting in the same position for too
long, no matter how ergonomically sound, is not good for the body or
mind, fact. At Holstee, we don’t have a huge space, but we have a small
range of seating options and places we can work, whether it’s a
classical office chair, an exercise ball, a small couch or standing
tables. If this variable set up isn’t an option, then make sure your
team knows you encourage them to get up and move frequently.
4. Create a stretchy culture.
Neck and shoulder pains are modern issues resulting from the way we
work today. If people on your team are getting chronic neck and back
pains, getting into any sort of meaningful flow can feel
nearly impossible. Lead by example: once a day, invite others to join
you to do simple stretches like moving your arms, shoulders and neck. It
always feels funny at first, but I promise you others want to do the
same, especially when they have been sitting still for several hours.
The goal here is to create a culture where everyone feels comfortable
getting up and stretching as often as needed, but it often requires
someone to kickstart it. In order to get into a good flow, your mind and
body need to be in a good place first.
5. The office is a resource, not a requirement.
Yes, having team members in the office more often means ideas move
faster. However, if possible, you should give team members the option to
embrace working outside the office once in a while. Your goal is not to
make your team feel they are required to be in the office. Rather, it
should be a resource that allows them to do their work as best as
possible. When people are able to work from the places that are best for
them, they will be be happier, more productive and bring better energy
when they are present in the office.
6. Simplify and focus.
It’s easy to give praise to the folks on your team that have a
laundry list of things they are trying to do at any given moment, but
real productivity comes from giving absolute focus to the project at
hand. Allow yourself and your team the space to to do this. Methods like
the Pomodoro Technique
help make the case for this very well. Having the freedom to get deep
into a particular project can be difficult to establish but far more
fulfilling and energizing than jumping from the surface of one task to
the next.
7. Fuel.
Lastly, be conscious of the types of food you eat and make available
for others. Limit the amount of surgery foods and you will reduce the
crash and burn so many people feel towards the end of the day. Fruits
and nuts and other unprocessed foods are always a win to keep you
feeling energized. (Okay, as I write this i see we are also well stocked
with Swiss chocolates, so I guess everything in moderation. But you get
what I am saying.)
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